Pro Wrestler Daivari Saving Train Passengers (VIDEO)

WWE wrestlers are often criticised for the fake jeopardy they create in the ring during the highly choreographed fights.

But there was nothing phoney about the danger faced by former WWE star Shawn Daivari, aka Sheik Abdul Bashir, as he turned vigilante to take on an abusive thug on a commuter train in Minneapolis.

The offender was riding the light rail to the city airport when he began being abusive and threatening towards fellow passengers.

Bystanders became so worried that several of them set off the train's emergency alarms - but when no police came to help, Daivari was forced to take matters into his own hands.

"I didn't know if this guy had a knife in his pocket or a gun in his backpack," Daivari told the WWE's website. "So I just went up to him, turned him around, grabbed him in a rear naked choke/sleeper hold and held until I felt his body go limp.

"I dropped him, locked on a body scissors and held him down until the next stop, which was about 45 seconds down the road."

Daivari then threw the thug out onto a station platform where transit workers took over and called authorities.

Source: Yahoo News


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